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Probate Court Brooklyn NY

Jimmy Wagner • January 14, 2021

Probate Court Brooklyn, NY - By Jimmy Wagner - Contact me now for a free Consultation

Probate Court Brooklyn, NY - By Jimmy Wagner - Contact me now for a free Consultation - 718-288-2048


Kings County Probate Court cases in Brooklyn are heard in Kings County Surrogate's Court. The Kings County Surrogate's Court is located at 2 Johnson Street Brooklyn, NY 11201. The chief clerk Doreen A. Quinn runs the day to day administration operations. To call chief clerk Doreen A. Quinn dial 347-404-9700 administration in kings. In addition, call clerk Doreen Quinn 347-404-9700, as she can assist you with the e-filing directions chief. In Brooklyn, Surrogate's Court has two sitting Surrogate's Court Judges. The two Surrogate's Court Judges are the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres and the Honorable Harriet L. Thompson. In my practice of law in Kings County Surrogate Court I have had the opportunity to appear in front of both surrogate court judges, Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres is the Kings County Surrogate and Honorable Harriet L. Thompson is the Kings County Surrogate. Even if I am not in front of the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres or the Honorable Harriet l. Thompson, I have spent numerous hours in kings county surrogate court located at 2 Johnson Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 looking through files dealing with the clerks, or doing genealogical searches. Kings County Surrogate courthouse has very strict privacy policy contact rules and attorneys are not allowed to appear on your behalf in court without the proper documentation.

A Kings County Surrogate is elected for a term of ten years. A Kings County Surrogate judge handles cases primarily involved in the probate of wills and the administration of estates. However, under those headings the Kings County Surrogate Court has the ability and authority to hear many other issues. The surrogate's judge and court hears cases involving adoptions, Article 17 guardianships, open safe deposit boxes and any and all legal matters you would imagine a Surrogate's Court judge to hear. It is located at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn NY and is established to hear cases involving the affairs of those who died. The court hears cases involving the probate of wills, administration of estate, trust proceedings. New York City surrogate courts are found in every borough. One of the first and primary petitions brought in Kings County Surrogate Court is one to open safe deposit box but the privacy policy contact tile apply. An attorney must be formally engaged before they can assist a prospective client with a probate issue.

The Honorable Harriet L. Thompson is one of the two Kings County Surrogate court Judges. I have had the pleasure of handling complicated cases in front of Judge Harriet L. Thompson and I found the judge to be very well versed in the Surrogate's law and many other intertwined areas of the law. All Kings County Surrogate judges have to be well versed in the law but Judge Harriet L. Thompson was all very well versed in practical common sense. I think part of common sense aspect of Judge Harriet L. Thompson mannerisms comes from the fact she was an attorney in private practice. The Honorable Harriet L. Thompson can cut through the legal nonsense, legal fluff, and whatever other legal tomfoolery attorneys come up with and get right to the important legal issues on a matter. A Kings County Surrogate Court judge hears cases involving many disputes that stretches across many different areas of the law. There was one case which I worked on where Judge Harriet L. Thompson was the residing kings county surrogate court judge. This case was a case that was heavily adversarial, where the attorneys, clients, and court attorneys all worked very hard but could not make any real progress. After numerous conferences, Judge Harriet L. Thompson ordered a conference to be conducted by herself, the kings county surrogate. I was thoroughly impressed that, Judge Harriet L. Thompson made a concerted effort to bring all parties to the table. the kings county surrogate. Judge Harriet l. Thompson was actively involved in making this conference happen. I do not find many judges in kings county supreme court or New York city surrogate courts who become so hands on with a case. The case involved a very complex real estate transaction and Judge Harriet L. Thompson quickly grasped the estate litigation attorney positions and within 15 minutes formulated a resolution that each of the estate litigation attorney made work for their client. This was quite an achievement as numerous estate litigation attorneys worked on this case for months and were unable to accomplish anything closely resembling a settlement. I am very confident and comfortable as an estate litigation attorney on kings county probate issues when I see a case assigned to Judge Harriet L. Thompson who is a great New York City Surrogate and located at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn new York. At all times in front of the judge privacy policy contact must be maintained and formal representations documents must be filed.

The Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres is the other Kings County Surrogate judge working at 2 Johnson Street Brooklyn, New York. I can say from personal experience the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres is one of most compassionate New York City surrogate judges. Even I find it hard to have compassion when dealing with an estate litigation attorney on a kings county surrogate case. I have had handled cases in front of the kings county surrogate judge the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres and fortunately for my clients every matter in from of the Kings County Surrogate was an uncontested matter. However, just because I am not involved as an estate litigation attorney in front of a New York city surrogate does not mean I can not have an opinion about the Kings County Surrogate, the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn new York. Though I have not had any cases actively litigated with the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres, I have had the opportunity to hear the judge preside over the cases of another estate litigation attorney and litigants. I think the one common theme that runs through the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres interactions with the public in her Courtroom is compassion. The compassion exhibited in the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres court room is not feigned compassion or detached judicial coldness looking at a case as a set of common law findings but instead the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres exhibits genuine compassion for the people in her Courtroom. The Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres has more patience than two other people combined. Whether the petitioner is a pro-se party looking to open safe deposit box or an experienced estate litigation attorney looking to contest a Last Will and Testament in kings county surrogate the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres treats everyone with the same respect and compassion at king county surrogate courtroom, located at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn New York. I know when I have a case in front of the Honorable Margarita Lopez Torres I am getting a New York City Surrogate located at 2 Johnson Street Brooklyn, New York that will give everyone a fair chance to be heard by a Kings County Surrogate judge. At all times in front of the judge privacy policy contact must be maintained and formal representations documents must be filed.

When it comes to a New York City Surrogate judges those of us living in Kings County are blessed with two of the best Surrogate Court Judges who work daily at 2 Johnson Street Brooklyn NY and all the staff in the Court house who work under chief clerk Doreen a. Quinn 347-404-9700 administration. I think something everyone needs to keep in mid is what actions should they first consider before they file a probate petition. The first item they need to consider is whether or not the decedent had a last will and testament.

At Kings County Surrogate located at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn New York people can file their Last Will and testament while they are still alive,. There are some people who do not trust to leave their Last Will and Testament in their home, bank , or with a family member, so they file and record the will with Kings County Surrogate. If I had a loved one who died and said they had a will, but I could not locate that Last Will and Testament, I would first check the Kings County Surrogate courthouse at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn New York and see if they have the Last Will and Testament on record. A good person to try and contact for that procedure is clerk Doreen a. Quinn 347-404-9700 administration. In the event the person who passed did not file the Last Will and Testament with kings county surrogate at 2 Johnson Street Brooklyn, NY you have other options. The next place I would look for the Last Will and Testament would be in the bank where the decedent had their account. However, the bank is not just going to answer to you because of privacy policy contact rules, you will have to get the legal authority to open safe deposit box.

At Kings County Surrogate located at 2 Johnson Street Brooklyn New York you can start a petition to open safe deposit box. To start a petition to open the safe deposit box, you will need the following items, the original death certificate and the information at the bank where the decedent held the safety deposit box. Once you have the information you bring it to kings county surrogate building located at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn NY and obtain a sample petition to open safety deposit box. The petition to open a safety deposit box is basic and easy for an estate planning attorney to fill out. In fact, my law firm routinely handles the open safety deposit box petition as a courtesy for the estate representative if the retainer for the estate is fully executed.

UPDATE - because of Covid-19, Kings County Surrogate is restricting peoples in person visits for the filing of a petition to open safe deposit box. Therefore instead of going to king county surrogate building located at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn New York to file an open safe deposit box petition you may wish to consider the e-filing directions chief clerk Quinn posts on the court website. In addition, you may want to consider the privacy policy contact information of the court located at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn New York. Covid-19 has also had an effect on another Kings County Surrogate courthouse and not just to petitions to open safe deposit boxes; Covid-19 has also had an effect on kings county surrogate courthouse on litigation kinship hearings.

Kings county surrogate litigation kinship hearings are a very basic and common hearing found in the kings county surrogate courthouse. Kinship hearings reference who are the heirs at law of the decedent. In litigation kinship hearings in kings county surrogate courthouse a party will be required to prove they are related to the decedent. At the hearings, hearings reference library records, kinship hearings reference formal records, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates. I find the hearings very informative and entertaining. Many times the kinship hearings reference a time long forgotten when people travelled by ships and immigrated to new York through Ellis island.

I have been involved in Kings County Surrogate hearings reference library records, the hearings reference library records based on online searches of old books not found anywhere else. You can find out a lot about a family and a person by analyzing old phone books, old neighborhood directories, and voter registrations. Many of these records can only be located in libraries both in person and online.

I worked on a case where we tracked a young widow in the late 1800s from the east coast to the west coast, from large cities to small cities, because she habitually registered with community directories. It was a very exciting journey for a kinship hearing and one we could never have finished without the assistance of the library records. However, libraries are not the only place to find the records you will need in kings county surrogate kinship hearing.

You can find some of the records needed right in the Kings County Surrogate courthouse. The Kings County Surrogate courthouse has in the basement a tremendous repository of old broken records. You can search through estate cards from over one hundred years ago. You can review the files of old estate and relatives of the decedents to determine where a family tree begins and or ends.

One of my favorite cases of all time was a Last Will and Testament contest where i represented a party who was allegedly left out of his father's Last Will and testament. This did not make sense to my client, the decedent's son, and it did not make sense to anyone the decedent knew. I was retained to investigate and contest the last Will and Testament. After a long period of discovery and investigation, we learned that the sister of my client was actually present in the room when the decedent signed the Last Will and Testament leaving everything to the daughter. With further investigation, I was able to prove that the sister had engaged in undue influence on the decedent. Undue influence on the decedent is one of the limited reason to question the validity of a decedent's last Will and Testament. On the eve of trial, after forty eight months of litigation, we settled the case and obtained for my client his entire entitlement to his father's estate under the law.

Every case is different and every set of facts is different, every kings county surrogate is different, whether you have a case before the honorable Margarita Lopez Torres or the honorable Harriet L. Thompson, whether you have a petition to open safe deposit box or requesting a judge hear cases involving litigation kinship hearings, you must remember to always follow the directions chief clerk. Kings county probate is located at 2 Johnson street Brooklyn NY. The chief clerk doreen quinn 347-404-9700 administration can advises you about e-filing directions chief clerk can also inform you about kings county probate and the privacy policy contact, and if the court hears cases involving open safe deposit box in person or virtually.

If you are more interested in learning how Judge Margarita Lopez Torres or Judge Harriet L. Thompson conducts cases in kings county surrogate courthouse, when the Court opens back up you can call Clerk Quinn 347-404-9700 administration and learn what days the Courtrooms is open to the public.

Two Johnson street Brooklyn is an address just about every estate litigation attorney will know. They estate litigation attorney will know the court hears cases about estate disputes. The estate disputes will either be heard by the honorable Margarita Lopez Torress or the honorable Harriet L. Thompson. If have not done so, I recommend you hire an estate litigation attorney. Good Luck.

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